Key Terms For Racial Profiling

  • Controversial - causing argument, provoking strong dissagreement or disapproval
  • Ethnicity - relating to a person or a group of people
  • Human Rights - The rights that are considered by most societies to belong automatically to everyone freedom, justice and equality
  • Humiliation - the act of damaging somebody
  • Implement - Law requirement, something needed in order to achieve something
  • Lawsuit - a trial at court between two private parties
  • Ludicrous - utterly ridiculous because of being absurd, incongorous, impractical or unsuitable
  • Racism - belief that people of different have different qualities and abilities
  • Self-Esteem - confidence in your own merit as an individual person
  • Sexism - discrimination because you are male or female

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I met with the immigration attorney and we discussed the different things i can come up with to work on my projects. The main thing on mind right now is researching about police racial profiling. She gave me information about it and we talked about different places where i can go such as the community justice center where i can get information and look through data of racial profiling cases. Also, she said i can look over her data and compare with others.

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