Key Terms For Racial Profiling

  • Controversial - causing argument, provoking strong dissagreement or disapproval
  • Ethnicity - relating to a person or a group of people
  • Human Rights - The rights that are considered by most societies to belong automatically to everyone freedom, justice and equality
  • Humiliation - the act of damaging somebody
  • Implement - Law requirement, something needed in order to achieve something
  • Lawsuit - a trial at court between two private parties
  • Ludicrous - utterly ridiculous because of being absurd, incongorous, impractical or unsuitable
  • Racism - belief that people of different have different qualities and abilities
  • Self-Esteem - confidence in your own merit as an individual person
  • Sexism - discrimination because you are male or female

Monday, May 11, 2009

After thinking about what i anted to do, i chose racial profiling as my main topic to do reasearch on. I believe its an interesting topic that many people are against for many things. I came up with my essential question being, Why does racial profiling occur and how does it affect a community?. i have looked at few number of websites that have important infomation and cases that deal with racial profiling below is a list of 5 different sites that give out information.

Reason Online

Ethnic Majority


Amnesty International USA


The case of Moats the footbal player

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